Policy Bulletin 207 - Charges for Services
Adopted 2007/12, Revised 2014/12
Adopted 2007/12, Revised 2014/12
The following rates will be charged for services provided by the Southern Black Hills Water System office:
$ .25 per copy if done by Southern Black Hills Staff $ .15 per copy if done by other than Southern Black Hills Staff $ .15 per copy for Civic & Non-Profits if done by Southern Black Hills Staff $ .10 per copy for Civic & Non-Profits if done by other than Southern Black Hills Staff $ .02 per copy for duplexing (front and back) in addition to preceding charges 3/4 (75%) of rate if they supply their own paper (rounded up to nearest whole#) 1/2 (50%) of rate if they supply paper and toner (rounded up to nearest whole#) - SERVICE CALL
Defined as a problem created by the users own neglect that ca11. be fixed within one (1) hours time not including materials.
SERVICE CALL CHARGES $52 for one (1) hours time (during office hours) $26 per hour for anything over 1 hours time (during office hours) $78 for one (1) hours time (after office hours) $39 per hour for anything over 1 hours time (after office hours) - MILEAGE
- Pursuant to the State Rate for the state of South Dakota
- To be billed at cost
- To be billed at cost (unless otherwise agreed)
The Manager (or person in charge in his or her absence) at his or her sole and exclusive discretion may establish other charges as deemed necessary, not described in above rates. Further, the manager (or person in charge in his or her absence) shall have the sole and exclusive authority to determine which rate applies for performed, when more than one rate is possible.