Minutes of the Annual Meeting
Southern Black Hills Water System Board
Pringle Community Hall, Pringle, South Dakota
Thursday, December 9, 2020
The Annual Meeting of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Pringle Community Hall, Pringle, South Dakota on Thursday, December 9, 2021.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL– Chairman Wick verified 8 board members, 19 system users attending the meeting and 38 proxies received. That is enough for a quorum.
MINUTES - Motion by Dvorak and 2nd by Rutherford to approve the minutes of last year’s meeting held on September 26, 2020. Motion passed unanimously.
ELECTION – Talbot Wieczorek stated one petition had been taken out for the 1 year term. Rich Krump had taken out the petitions. Two two year terms are open with Danny DeFries and Bob Seaboldt filling those positions at this time
Auditors Report – Shelly Goodrich presented the 2020 Financial Summary-Modified Cash Basis. She answered questions from the Board of Directors and from individuals attending the meeting.
Managers’ Report
System Manager Don Peterson presented the Manager report.
Chairman Wick presented the 2022 water rate increases. The rate will be $98 per month and $79 for a pasture tap. The $4 for a thousand gallons will remain in effect.
Members Comments
Discussion on the increase was brought forward. Chairman Wick stated the increase is due to higher costs and planning for equipment replacement in the future. Comments concerning the initial installation charges for new users and what a developer was being charged. Talbot explained how the charges were set and what the charges covered.
ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Wick thanked all for attending the annual meeting and asked to close the meeting. Motion by Fisher, 2nd by Larson to adjourn the meeting at approximately 7:30 PM. Motion approved unanimously.
Southern Black Hills Water System Board
Pringle Community Hall, Pringle, South Dakota
Thursday, December 9, 2020
The Annual Meeting of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Pringle Community Hall, Pringle, South Dakota on Thursday, December 9, 2021.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL– Chairman Wick verified 8 board members, 19 system users attending the meeting and 38 proxies received. That is enough for a quorum.
MINUTES - Motion by Dvorak and 2nd by Rutherford to approve the minutes of last year’s meeting held on September 26, 2020. Motion passed unanimously.
ELECTION – Talbot Wieczorek stated one petition had been taken out for the 1 year term. Rich Krump had taken out the petitions. Two two year terms are open with Danny DeFries and Bob Seaboldt filling those positions at this time
Auditors Report – Shelly Goodrich presented the 2020 Financial Summary-Modified Cash Basis. She answered questions from the Board of Directors and from individuals attending the meeting.
Managers’ Report
System Manager Don Peterson presented the Manager report.
- The 2020 DENR Drinking Water Certificate of Achievement award was presented. The DENR certificate identifies and rewards those water systems and their operation specialists that have demonstrated excellence in water system management and maintenance.
- Water usage so far for this year was approximately 11 million gallons.
- There were two water main breaks. The first was repaired in 3 ½ days and the second was repaired in two days. Both happening on the 12” main located along Hiway 385.
- The board is still waiting for the Forest Service to grant permission to put the Casey well water thru the pipeline across Forest Service property. It is currently in a 60 day waiting period.
- There has been 20 new users added in 2021 with 350 total users.
- The members were notified of the lawsuit involving the town of Hermosa and SBHWS. Talbot explained the lawsuit and what it entailed.
Chairman Wick presented the 2022 water rate increases. The rate will be $98 per month and $79 for a pasture tap. The $4 for a thousand gallons will remain in effect.
Members Comments
Discussion on the increase was brought forward. Chairman Wick stated the increase is due to higher costs and planning for equipment replacement in the future. Comments concerning the initial installation charges for new users and what a developer was being charged. Talbot explained how the charges were set and what the charges covered.
ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Wick thanked all for attending the annual meeting and asked to close the meeting. Motion by Fisher, 2nd by Larson to adjourn the meeting at approximately 7:30 PM. Motion approved unanimously.