- Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water
System Board
Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota
Thursday June 21, 2018
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota on Thursday, June 21, 2018.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Baird, DeFries, Seaboldt, Smith, Kraus, Peplinski and Wick. Member Beard was absent. Others in attendance was Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Peplinki, 2nd by Seaboldt to approve the agenda. Motion approved unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Smith to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 24. Motion approved unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Smith to approve the report as read. 2nd by Beard. Motion approved unanimously.
Resolution 2018-01
Motion by Kraus to approve authorization of the Chairman Ted Wick to sign the Resolution 2018-01. 2nd by Peplinski. Motion passed unanimously.
Managers’ Report
Don reported on the cost of the generator for Rushmore Ranch to be $31,211.26 due to the generator having to be a 50KW due to the wiring at the site.
Don Peterson addressed the Board on the current insurance policy for the system and is the same as last year. The cost of insurance with a $1k vehicle deductible and $1k property deductible would cost $12,403. For a $2k vehicle deductible and a $5k property deductible the cost would be $11,092. After discussion, DeFries made a motion to pay the $12,403 and gain the $1k vehicle deductible. 2nd by Seaboldt. Motion Passed unanimously.
Don Peterson provided the Board with the Rural Water Interest Sign-up Survey which was mailed to landowners in the Highway 40 Hermosa to Hayward Fire Hall area and the Highway 79 Hermosa to Spring Creek Acres area. The survey is to be returned to AE2S by 1 August.
Don Peterson informed the board that Talbot Wieczorek has sent a letter to Site Works construction notifying them that they have not satisfactorily reclaimed the areas where they have completed work. This includes reseeding and weed spraying.
Don Peterson reported that the Water Rights for the moving of the Streeter Well permit to the Casey Well will have the hearing in Pierre on July 12th. The required notices have been published in the area newspapers.
Don Peterson asked to schedule the Annual Meeting on 22 September in Pringle Fire Hall. Bob Peplinski will check if the Fire Hall is available at that time.
Don Peterson notified the Board that Verizon is considering using the Blue Water Tower on Hiway 89 as a possible site for their equipment. Don will keep the Board informed on this action.
Don Peterson informed the Board on the drilling of the new well at Paramount Point. When completed, the well will be 500 feet down into the Inya Kara aquifer. It is to be completed soon.
Don Peterson informed the Board of the transaction fees charged by Pioneer bank and discussed other options. Don will follow up with options with better rates from other financial institutions.
There was no new business
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills Water System Board will be July 26, 2018, 1:00 PM at Sentinel Federal Credit Union in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by DeFries, 2nd by Seaboldt to adjourn the meeting at approximately 2:20PM. Motion approved unanimously.