Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL – The following Board Members were present: Wick, Baird, Kraus, Krump, Nase, Seaboldt, and Zolnowsky; Beard and Smith were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Kraus to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump to approve the minutes of the November 23 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasurer’s reports for December 2022 and January 2023. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to approve the treasurer’s report and transfer $15,000 from the Checking account into the RD account. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending November 30 was check #4150 and beginning December 1 was check #4151, ending December 31 was #4163 and beginning January 1 was #4164.
Wick and Kraus reported on the SDARWS Annual Technical Conference in Pierre held January 10-12. Wick spoke with Cheryl Chapman of the Western Dakota Region Water System on the project to bring Missouri River water to western South Dakota and proposed to invite her to meet with the SBHWS Board.
LRE Water proposed a renewal of the QuickStart contract services for $12,500, which would include the transducers for the Casey and monitoring wells. A motion to approve the contract was made by Baird, 2nd by Seaboldt. Motion passed unanimously.
Ketel Thorstenson, LLP will conduct the 2022 annual audit. Motion by Seaboldt for chairman to sign the contract for auditing services, 2nd by Zolnowsky; motion passed unanimously.
Managers’ Report
A letter to respond to other party comments from the public comments on the revised Forest Service agreement has been drafted. Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump for chairman to sign the letter.
Our permit for the drilling of the #3 well at Paramount Point was valid from April to November 2022; SBHWS was unable to act on this permit due to the extended processing of the parity agreement. A renewal of the permit has been requested to run until July 2025.
Motion by Krump to continue use of Custer Chronicle for legal publication of the SBHWS, 2nd by Seaboldt; motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Kraus to continue use of First Interstate Bank for financial accounts, 2nd by Nase; motion approved unanimously.
Motion by Kraus to continue with the current slate of board officers, 2nd by Krump; motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump to move into Executive Session at 3:22 pm; motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Baird, 2nd by Seaboldt to move out of Executive Session at 3:52; motion passed unanimously. There were no motions arising from executive session.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be February 23, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Nase, 2nd by Seaboldt to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:54 PM. Motion approved unanimously.
Crazy Horse Monument
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL – The following Board Members were present: Wick, Baird, Kraus, Krump, Nase, Seaboldt, and Zolnowsky; Beard and Smith were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Kraus to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump to approve the minutes of the November 23 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasurer’s reports for December 2022 and January 2023. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to approve the treasurer’s report and transfer $15,000 from the Checking account into the RD account. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending November 30 was check #4150 and beginning December 1 was check #4151, ending December 31 was #4163 and beginning January 1 was #4164.
Wick and Kraus reported on the SDARWS Annual Technical Conference in Pierre held January 10-12. Wick spoke with Cheryl Chapman of the Western Dakota Region Water System on the project to bring Missouri River water to western South Dakota and proposed to invite her to meet with the SBHWS Board.
LRE Water proposed a renewal of the QuickStart contract services for $12,500, which would include the transducers for the Casey and monitoring wells. A motion to approve the contract was made by Baird, 2nd by Seaboldt. Motion passed unanimously.
Ketel Thorstenson, LLP will conduct the 2022 annual audit. Motion by Seaboldt for chairman to sign the contract for auditing services, 2nd by Zolnowsky; motion passed unanimously.
Managers’ Report
A letter to respond to other party comments from the public comments on the revised Forest Service agreement has been drafted. Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump for chairman to sign the letter.
Our permit for the drilling of the #3 well at Paramount Point was valid from April to November 2022; SBHWS was unable to act on this permit due to the extended processing of the parity agreement. A renewal of the permit has been requested to run until July 2025.
Motion by Krump to continue use of Custer Chronicle for legal publication of the SBHWS, 2nd by Seaboldt; motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Kraus to continue use of First Interstate Bank for financial accounts, 2nd by Nase; motion approved unanimously.
Motion by Kraus to continue with the current slate of board officers, 2nd by Krump; motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump to move into Executive Session at 3:22 pm; motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Baird, 2nd by Seaboldt to move out of Executive Session at 3:52; motion passed unanimously. There were no motions arising from executive session.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be February 23, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Nase, 2nd by Seaboldt to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:54 PM. Motion approved unanimously.