Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water
System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, April 29, 2021
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday, April 29, 2021.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Zolnowsky, Baird, Kraus, Krump and DeFries. Smith, and Peplinski were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson, Kale McNaboe and Talbot Wieczorek.
AGENDA – Motion by Krump 2nd by Kraus to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Baird, 2nd by DeFries to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of March 225, 2021. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for March. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Baird 2nd by Krump to approve the treasures report. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending March 31 was check #3811 and beginning April 1 check #3812.
Town of Hermosa Kale McNaboe and Talbot Wieczorek provided a letter and maps to the Board laying out and discussing the various options and costs of providing water to the Town of Hermosa. After discussion, it was decided to provide the letter under the Board’s Chairman’s signature to the town of Hermosa.
Managers’ Report Don Peterson updated the Board on the Rushmore Ranch water salesman. It will be up and operational very soon. After discussion of what the rates would be, Karus made a motion, and a 2nd by Baird to charge $10 per 1000 gallons. Motion passed unanimously.
Don Peterson reported that the Casey well will be ready once the chemical setup is completed.
Don Peterson reported that Custer County Commissioners have agreed to install a radio repeater on the blue Water tower.
Don Peterson informed the Board that the 2020 Audit has been completed.
Motion by Baird 2nd by Kraus to enter into Executive Session. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Kraus 2nd by Zolnowsky to exit Executive Session. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Krump, 2nd by Baird to present a letter to the new owner of the property at Rushmore Ranch that includes the well providing water to Rushmore Ranch residents. The easement letter will be identical to the letter provided to the previous owner noting the easement of the well on that property. Motion passed unanimously.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be May 27, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Baird 2nd by Kraus to adjourn the meeting at approximately 4:30 PM. Motion approved unanimously.
System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, April 29, 2021
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday, April 29, 2021.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Zolnowsky, Baird, Kraus, Krump and DeFries. Smith, and Peplinski were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson, Kale McNaboe and Talbot Wieczorek.
AGENDA – Motion by Krump 2nd by Kraus to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Baird, 2nd by DeFries to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of March 225, 2021. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for March. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Baird 2nd by Krump to approve the treasures report. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending March 31 was check #3811 and beginning April 1 check #3812.
Town of Hermosa Kale McNaboe and Talbot Wieczorek provided a letter and maps to the Board laying out and discussing the various options and costs of providing water to the Town of Hermosa. After discussion, it was decided to provide the letter under the Board’s Chairman’s signature to the town of Hermosa.
Managers’ Report Don Peterson updated the Board on the Rushmore Ranch water salesman. It will be up and operational very soon. After discussion of what the rates would be, Karus made a motion, and a 2nd by Baird to charge $10 per 1000 gallons. Motion passed unanimously.
Don Peterson reported that the Casey well will be ready once the chemical setup is completed.
Don Peterson reported that Custer County Commissioners have agreed to install a radio repeater on the blue Water tower.
Don Peterson informed the Board that the 2020 Audit has been completed.
Motion by Baird 2nd by Kraus to enter into Executive Session. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Kraus 2nd by Zolnowsky to exit Executive Session. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Krump, 2nd by Baird to present a letter to the new owner of the property at Rushmore Ranch that includes the well providing water to Rushmore Ranch residents. The easement letter will be identical to the letter provided to the previous owner noting the easement of the well on that property. Motion passed unanimously.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be May 27, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Baird 2nd by Kraus to adjourn the meeting at approximately 4:30 PM. Motion approved unanimously.