Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water
System Board
Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota on Thursday, December 19, 2019.
President Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Smith, Peplinski, Zolnowsky, Baird and Kraus. Absent board members were Seaboldt, DeFries, and Beard. Others in attendance was Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Smith to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 21, 2019. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for December. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Baird to approve the December report as read. Motion passed unanimously
Managers’ Report
Don Peterson reported that the audit is progressing well and the auditing firm is also working on the income tax reporting that is necessary for our not profit water system.
The Paramount Point generator hook up is completed and RDO will do the start up testing next week.
A legal historic user of the Streeter Well hauled a load of water, emptied it in their well and then took a water sample and sent it to the State Lab for testing. The sample failed. It was presumed the haul tank may have been contaminated and the sample should have been taken at the source. Southern Hills Water has a sign at the well sit stating “Non-Potable Water”. The State has asked us to do the sampling for the Streeter Well water hauler pit in the future which we have agreed to do
Due to the low attendance at the annual meetings we have had with the Spring Creek Acres, Rushmore Ranch and Paramount Point Water Systems that we manage, we would like to give the annual report to them at their Road District meetings or any other annual meeting they might have. Letters will be sent out concerning this as well as information on the 2020 rate increase.
Don Peterson informed the Board that he will continue to work with Hermosa concerning their interest in connecting to the Paramount Point water source.
Executive Session
Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Kraus to go into executive session at 2PM to discuss personnel.
The Board came out of Executive session at 2:47 PM.
Motion by Kraus 2nd by Baird to approve the following employee compensation for the year 2020: Coy will have his health insurance and internet paid plus a 2% salary increase, Peterson will have his health insurance paid plus a 3% salary increase. Motion approved unanimously.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be January 23, 2019, 1:00 PM at Sentinel Federal Credit Union in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Baird, 2nd by Peplinski to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:00 PM. Motion approved unanimously.
System Board
Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota on Thursday, December 19, 2019.
President Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Smith, Peplinski, Zolnowsky, Baird and Kraus. Absent board members were Seaboldt, DeFries, and Beard. Others in attendance was Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Smith to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 21, 2019. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for December. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Baird to approve the December report as read. Motion passed unanimously
Managers’ Report
Don Peterson reported that the audit is progressing well and the auditing firm is also working on the income tax reporting that is necessary for our not profit water system.
The Paramount Point generator hook up is completed and RDO will do the start up testing next week.
A legal historic user of the Streeter Well hauled a load of water, emptied it in their well and then took a water sample and sent it to the State Lab for testing. The sample failed. It was presumed the haul tank may have been contaminated and the sample should have been taken at the source. Southern Hills Water has a sign at the well sit stating “Non-Potable Water”. The State has asked us to do the sampling for the Streeter Well water hauler pit in the future which we have agreed to do
Due to the low attendance at the annual meetings we have had with the Spring Creek Acres, Rushmore Ranch and Paramount Point Water Systems that we manage, we would like to give the annual report to them at their Road District meetings or any other annual meeting they might have. Letters will be sent out concerning this as well as information on the 2020 rate increase.
Don Peterson informed the Board that he will continue to work with Hermosa concerning their interest in connecting to the Paramount Point water source.
Executive Session
Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by Kraus to go into executive session at 2PM to discuss personnel.
The Board came out of Executive session at 2:47 PM.
Motion by Kraus 2nd by Baird to approve the following employee compensation for the year 2020: Coy will have his health insurance and internet paid plus a 2% salary increase, Peterson will have his health insurance paid plus a 3% salary increase. Motion approved unanimously.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be January 23, 2019, 1:00 PM at Sentinel Federal Credit Union in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Baird, 2nd by Peplinski to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:00 PM. Motion approved unanimously.