Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water
System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, July 29, 2021
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday, July 29, 2021.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Zolnowsky, Krump, Smith, Baird, Beard and DeFries. Kraus, and Peplinski were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Krump, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of June 24, 2021. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for July. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Krump, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the treasures report. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending June 30 was check #3858 and beginning July 1 check #3859.
Town of Hermosa A letter referencing Southern Black Hills Water System Areas was sent to the Town of Hermosa’s lawyer of Johnson Law offices. The letter signed by GPNA lawyer Talbot Wieczorek discusses SBHS’ service area in the area of the city of Hermosa.
Managers’ Report Don Peterson informed the board that a letter concerning the 3rd well at Paramont Point has been sent to Rural Development.
Don Peterson reported on the meeting held with the developer at lot 35 of the Desperado ranch development. The property was inspected and further possibility of taking ownership of the lot is ongoing.
Don Peterson reported that non-payment of a Battle Mountain water subscriber has resulted in the removal of the water service to the subscriber. A letter will be sent to the user stating that the full fee to turn on a subscriber will be instituted to turn the service back on.
Don Peterson noted that there will be a funding meeting with SD Rural Water in the near future.
2022 SBHWS Budget
Don Peterson presented the 2022 budget to the board. Don compared each line of the 2022 budget with the 2021 budget. Changes were discussed and explained. After review, motion by Baird, 2nd by DeFries to approve the budget. Motion passed unanimously.
New vehicle
Don Peterson noted that the Pickup that Dar Coy drives is going to require extensive maintenance to keep it on the road. It has over 300,000 miles on it. Don presented two listings for newer vehicles that are available. After discussion, a motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to purchase a 2020 Ford F150 for $51,059. Motion passed unanimously.
State Water Plan
Don Peterson will be submitting the 2022 SBHWS water plan to the DENR.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be August 26, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Krump, 2nd by Smith to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:00 PM. Motion approved unanimously.
System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, July 29, 2021
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday, July 29, 2021.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Zolnowsky, Krump, Smith, Baird, Beard and DeFries. Kraus, and Peplinski were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Krump, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of June 24, 2021. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for July. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Krump, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the treasures report. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending June 30 was check #3858 and beginning July 1 check #3859.
Town of Hermosa A letter referencing Southern Black Hills Water System Areas was sent to the Town of Hermosa’s lawyer of Johnson Law offices. The letter signed by GPNA lawyer Talbot Wieczorek discusses SBHS’ service area in the area of the city of Hermosa.
Managers’ Report Don Peterson informed the board that a letter concerning the 3rd well at Paramont Point has been sent to Rural Development.
Don Peterson reported on the meeting held with the developer at lot 35 of the Desperado ranch development. The property was inspected and further possibility of taking ownership of the lot is ongoing.
Don Peterson reported that non-payment of a Battle Mountain water subscriber has resulted in the removal of the water service to the subscriber. A letter will be sent to the user stating that the full fee to turn on a subscriber will be instituted to turn the service back on.
Don Peterson noted that there will be a funding meeting with SD Rural Water in the near future.
2022 SBHWS Budget
Don Peterson presented the 2022 budget to the board. Don compared each line of the 2022 budget with the 2021 budget. Changes were discussed and explained. After review, motion by Baird, 2nd by DeFries to approve the budget. Motion passed unanimously.
New vehicle
Don Peterson noted that the Pickup that Dar Coy drives is going to require extensive maintenance to keep it on the road. It has over 300,000 miles on it. Don presented two listings for newer vehicles that are available. After discussion, a motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to purchase a 2020 Ford F150 for $51,059. Motion passed unanimously.
State Water Plan
Don Peterson will be submitting the 2022 SBHWS water plan to the DENR.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be August 26, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Krump, 2nd by Smith to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:00 PM. Motion approved unanimously.