Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water
System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, February 24, 2022
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday February 24, 2022.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Zolnowsky, Baird, Seaboldt, Krump and DeFries. Beard, Kraus and Smith were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson and visitors were David and Boren Long, Lee Marie O’Malley and Kathy Fleming.
AGENDA – Motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Baird, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of January 27, 2022. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for February 2022. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump to approve the treasures report and transfer $15,000 from the Equipment account into the RD account. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending January 31 was check #3994 and beginning February 1 was check #3995.
Managers’ Report
Don Peterson provided the Board a letter from Longbranch Engineering reporting on the progress of the water lines being installed in the Desperado development.
Don Peterson reported to the board on discussion with our lawyer Talbot Wieczorek on warranty of new construction. A two year warranty was discussed and will be pursued.
Don Peterson reported that our engineers will be putting a letter together for ECWAG funding.
Don Peterson introduced the visitors who are from the Canyon Rim area and are having water flow problems. Don explained that one customer has experienced water flow problems due to the water use of a new customer. Don explained that he has been working on the problem by increasing water pressure in the area. He is waiting for a new part which will be installed on Monday which should alleviate the problem. After discussion with Mr Long, it was agreed that 15 gpm would be provided to his location.
DeFries made a motion to move into Executive Session, 2nd Seaboldt. Motion passed unanimously.
Seaboldt made a motion to move out of Executive Session. 2nd by Baird. Motion passed unanimously.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be March 24, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Baird to adjourn the meeting at approximately 2:35 PM. Motion approved unanimously.
System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, February 24, 2022
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday February 24, 2022.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: Wick, Zolnowsky, Baird, Seaboldt, Krump and DeFries. Beard, Kraus and Smith were absent. Others in attendance were Don Peterson and visitors were David and Boren Long, Lee Marie O’Malley and Kathy Fleming.
AGENDA – Motion by Baird, 2nd by Krump to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Baird, 2nd by Zolnowsky to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of January 27, 2022. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report for February 2022. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Krump to approve the treasures report and transfer $15,000 from the Equipment account into the RD account. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending January 31 was check #3994 and beginning February 1 was check #3995.
Managers’ Report
Don Peterson provided the Board a letter from Longbranch Engineering reporting on the progress of the water lines being installed in the Desperado development.
Don Peterson reported to the board on discussion with our lawyer Talbot Wieczorek on warranty of new construction. A two year warranty was discussed and will be pursued.
Don Peterson reported that our engineers will be putting a letter together for ECWAG funding.
Don Peterson introduced the visitors who are from the Canyon Rim area and are having water flow problems. Don explained that one customer has experienced water flow problems due to the water use of a new customer. Don explained that he has been working on the problem by increasing water pressure in the area. He is waiting for a new part which will be installed on Monday which should alleviate the problem. After discussion with Mr Long, it was agreed that 15 gpm would be provided to his location.
DeFries made a motion to move into Executive Session, 2nd Seaboldt. Motion passed unanimously.
Seaboldt made a motion to move out of Executive Session. 2nd by Baird. Motion passed unanimously.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be March 24, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Seaboldt, 2nd by Baird to adjourn the meeting at approximately 2:35 PM. Motion approved unanimously.