- Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water
System Board
Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota
Thursday, December 20, 2018
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Sentinel Federal Credit Union, Custer, South Dakota on Thursday, December 20, 2018.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 12:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL– The following Board Members were present: DeFries, Smith, Kraus, Peplinski, and Wick. Members Seaboldt, Baird and Beard were absent. Others in attendance was Don Peterson.
AGENDA – Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by DeFries to approve the agenda. Motion approved unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Kraus, 2nd by Peplinski to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 29. Motion approved unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasures report. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Kraus to approve the report as read and transfer $45k from Checking into Savings. 2nd by Peplinski. Motion approved unanimously.
Managers’ Report
Don Peterson informed the Board that letters will be going to the Phase I and II members notifying them of the rate increases for 2019. Also letters are being sent to the Rushmore Ranch, Paramount Point and Spring Creek Acres notifying them of the board meetings at the Hermosa School of January 19, 2019.
Don Peterson informed the Board that Tracy Hanson will be conducting the annual audit of SBHW in the near future.
Don Peterson reported that AE2S has put together the plan for the new well house at Paramount Point. The major change was to enlarge the building and have two 5K gallon poly tanks inside the building for storage versus an underground concrete tank. After discussion, Peplinski made a motion to put it out to bid on January 21, 2019, 2nd by DeFries. Motion approved unanimously.
Don Peterson presented the 2019 Resolution for resetting the water rates and connection fees. It was noted that pasture taps were not listed. No action was taken until the document has been amended.
Don Peterson presented the 2019 budget to the board for review.
Kraus made a motion to enter Executive Session, 2nd by Smith. Motion approved unanimously.
Smith made a motion to exit Executive Session, 2nd by Peplinski. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion by Smith, 2nd by Defries to provide a bonus of $100 to Barb Benson and Miriam Martin for their good work in 2018. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion by Kraus, 2nd by Peplinski for no pay increase for Dar Coy and will pay for Dar Coy’s Internet fees, his insurance, and the associated taxes. For Don Peterson to receive a 4% pay increase for 2019 and an increase of 8% on retirement. Motion approved unanimously.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be January 24, 2019, 1:00 PM at Sentinel Federal Credit Union in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Peplinski, 2nd by DeFries to adjourn the meeting at approximately 2:00 PM. Motion approved unanimously.