Minutes of Regular Meeting of Southern Black Hills Water System Board
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, April 28, 2022
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday April 28, 2022.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL – The following Board Members were present: Wick, Baird, Kraus, Krump, and Zolnowsky; Beard, Seaboldt, and Smith were absent; DeFries has moved out of the area and resigned his position. Others in attendance were Don Peterson and Brandon Nase.
AGENDA – Motion by Krump, 2nd by Baird to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Kraus, 2nd by Krump to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of March 24, 2022. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasurer’s report for April 2022. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Kraus, 2nd by Krump to approve the treasures report and transfer $15,000 from the Checking account into the RD account. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending March 31 was check #4017 and beginning April 1 was check #4018.
Don Peterson presented the Board a contract extension with LRE Engineering for $10,000 of hydrology services to be signed by the SBHW Chairman; in the past extensions have provided just over a year of services. Motion was made by Baird and 2nd by Zolnowsky to have the Chairman sign the contract. Motion passed unanimously.
Ted Wick presented information about developments along Sheps Canyon Rd that could provide future demand for a project along Cascade Rd. Discussion led to the suggestion to invite the principals to a Board meeting.
Don Peterson reported that the Rushmore Ranch Water Salesman kiosk is scheduled to be plumbed in the next two weeks; that the coin operator has been delivered and needs to be installed; and that some road work is necessary for vehicle access.
Managers’ Report
Don Peterson presented a progress report from Longbranch Engineering on work in the Desperado development. Pressure tests of the lines after incremental work continue to be successful and additional lines and connection pits are being installed.
The platting for the SBHWS property at the Rushmore Ranch well has been approved by Pennington County.
The Forest Service has appointed Clark Davis as the new lands specialist. Don Peterson had discussions about the SBHWS Annual Report review and the progress on the permitting process for the use of the Casey well; Davis was not aware of these and, after catching up, will get back to SBHWS.
Don Peterson reported that at the State Board of Water and Natural Resources hearing held on April 12 & 13 an award composed of a $3,060,000 grant and $540,000 loan to SBHWS for the Paramount Point-Spring Creek Acres project.
Don Peterson passed out the monthly customer water usage report in hardcopy with cumulative data. In preparing this new form of the report, he discovered that some of the data has actually been behind by one month due to the billing cycle.
The 2021 audit has been completed. Traci Hanson will present the audit report at the May 26 regular Board meeting.
Baird made a motion, 2nd by Kraus, to appoint Brandon Nase to the Board to fill the position vacated by DeFries; the motion passed unanimously.
Don Kraus reported on his observations from the SDARWS Expo conference in Rapid City.
Baird made a motion to move into Executive Session, 2nd by Zolnowsky. Motion passed unanimously.
Baird made a motion to move out of Executive Session. 2nd by Krump. Motion passed unanimously.
The Board will conduct a five-year planning session May 19, 1:00-5:00. Representatives of SDARWS will be present to assist with the planning process.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be May 26, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Krump, 2nd by Zolnowsky to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:00 PM. Motion approved unanimously.
Crazy Horse Monument
Thursday, April 28, 2022
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Black Hills Water System was held at the Crazy Horse Monument Thursday April 28, 2022.
Chairman Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL – The following Board Members were present: Wick, Baird, Kraus, Krump, and Zolnowsky; Beard, Seaboldt, and Smith were absent; DeFries has moved out of the area and resigned his position. Others in attendance were Don Peterson and Brandon Nase.
AGENDA – Motion by Krump, 2nd by Baird to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES - Motion by Kraus, 2nd by Krump to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of March 24, 2022. Motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Don Peterson presented the treasurer’s report for April 2022. The report was reviewed by the board members. Motion by Kraus, 2nd by Krump to approve the treasures report and transfer $15,000 from the Checking account into the RD account. Motion passed unanimously. The check sequence ending March 31 was check #4017 and beginning April 1 was check #4018.
Don Peterson presented the Board a contract extension with LRE Engineering for $10,000 of hydrology services to be signed by the SBHW Chairman; in the past extensions have provided just over a year of services. Motion was made by Baird and 2nd by Zolnowsky to have the Chairman sign the contract. Motion passed unanimously.
Ted Wick presented information about developments along Sheps Canyon Rd that could provide future demand for a project along Cascade Rd. Discussion led to the suggestion to invite the principals to a Board meeting.
Don Peterson reported that the Rushmore Ranch Water Salesman kiosk is scheduled to be plumbed in the next two weeks; that the coin operator has been delivered and needs to be installed; and that some road work is necessary for vehicle access.
Managers’ Report
Don Peterson presented a progress report from Longbranch Engineering on work in the Desperado development. Pressure tests of the lines after incremental work continue to be successful and additional lines and connection pits are being installed.
The platting for the SBHWS property at the Rushmore Ranch well has been approved by Pennington County.
The Forest Service has appointed Clark Davis as the new lands specialist. Don Peterson had discussions about the SBHWS Annual Report review and the progress on the permitting process for the use of the Casey well; Davis was not aware of these and, after catching up, will get back to SBHWS.
Don Peterson reported that at the State Board of Water and Natural Resources hearing held on April 12 & 13 an award composed of a $3,060,000 grant and $540,000 loan to SBHWS for the Paramount Point-Spring Creek Acres project.
Don Peterson passed out the monthly customer water usage report in hardcopy with cumulative data. In preparing this new form of the report, he discovered that some of the data has actually been behind by one month due to the billing cycle.
The 2021 audit has been completed. Traci Hanson will present the audit report at the May 26 regular Board meeting.
Baird made a motion, 2nd by Kraus, to appoint Brandon Nase to the Board to fill the position vacated by DeFries; the motion passed unanimously.
Don Kraus reported on his observations from the SDARWS Expo conference in Rapid City.
Baird made a motion to move into Executive Session, 2nd by Zolnowsky. Motion passed unanimously.
Baird made a motion to move out of Executive Session. 2nd by Krump. Motion passed unanimously.
The Board will conduct a five-year planning session May 19, 1:00-5:00. Representatives of SDARWS will be present to assist with the planning process.
The next meeting of the Southern Black Hills System Board will be May 26, 1:00 PM at the Crazy Horse Monument in Custer.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Krump, 2nd by Zolnowsky to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:00 PM. Motion approved unanimously.